How to handle the ever increasing package deliveries


More packages means more package space is needed

As online shopping continues to grow in popularity, the volume of packages delivered to residential buildings has skyrocketed, putting pressure on the existing infrastructure of co-op and condo buildings. In many cases, these buildings were not designed to accommodate the volume of packages being delivered, leading to cluttered lobbies and overwhelmed staff. Therefore, it has become increasingly important to find elegant design solutions to address this issue.

One common solution to the package problem is to designate a room within the building for package storage. However, even with dedicated package rooms, the issue of disorganized packages can persist. In many cases, packages are stacked haphazardly, making it difficult for residents to locate their deliveries, and creating an unsightly mess in the process.

To address this problem, some buildings have turned to custom package cabinets. These cabinets can be designed to fit the specific needs of each building and can vary in size and shape depending on the volume of packages being received. Custom cabinets can also incorporate features like shelves, dividers, and lockers to further organize packages and make it easier for residents to find their deliveries.

One example of an innovative solution to the package problem can be found in an Upper East Side co-op building, on 72nd St. The building's management team worked with Forbes-Ergas Design to create a custom package cabinet that blends seamlessly into the building's lobby. The cabinet features a sleek, classic design and includes shelving, as well as polls to hang dry cleaning, ensuring that packages are organized and easy to access.

Another solution to the package problem is the use of package management software. These programs allow buildings to track and manage incoming packages, ensuring that deliveries are properly logged and stored. In addition, some software can even send notifications to residents when a package has arrived, making it easier for them to plan their day accordingly.

Co-op and condo buildings were not designed to handle the volume of packages being delivered, but with some innovative thinking and creative design solutions, it is possible to overcome this challenge. By implementing custom package cabinets, using package management software, or other creative solutions, buildings can ensure that packages are organized and accessible, creating a more efficient and pleasant living experience for all residents.