Don't forget the art

NYC lobby design. artwork

Art can be an essential element to any good design

Adding art to a newly renovated lobby space is a crucial step in anchoring a good design. Art has the power to transform a space, evoke emotions, and create a unique and memorable atmosphere. The lobby is often the first impression that visitors have of a building or space, and art can make that impression a positive and lasting one.

One of the primary benefits of adding art to a lobby space is that it can enhance the overall aesthetic of the area. Art can bring color, texture, and visual interest to an otherwise plain or sterile space. It can also tie together different design elements, such as furniture, lighting, and flooring, creating a cohesive and harmonious environment. By selecting artwork that complements the surrounding architecture and design, it can elevate the lobby's look and feel to the next level.

In addition to improving aesthetics, art can also create a sense of identity and personality for a building or space. The artwork can reflect the values, culture, or history of the company or community that occupies the building. This personal touch can create a sense of belonging and pride for those who work or visit the space, fostering a positive and welcoming atmosphere.

Furthermore, art can serve as a conversation starter, encouraging interaction and engagement between visitors and employees. It can create a shared experience and spark discussions, building a sense of community and connection within the space.

Finally, adding art to a lobby space can also have practical benefits. Artwork can absorb sound and reduce noise levels, creating a more comfortable and peaceful environment. It can also improve wayfinding and navigation by serving as landmarks or points of reference, making it easier for visitors to find their way around.

Adding art to a newly renovated lobby space is not just a matter of aesthetics; it is a crucial step in anchoring a good design. Art can enhance the overall atmosphere of the space, create a sense of identity and personality, encourage interaction and engagement, and provide practical benefits. By incorporating art into the design process, designers and architects can create a lobby space that is not only visually appealing but also functional, welcoming, and memorable.